Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Twinkie Defense

The results of our poll to determine the most suitable refreshments for our class party show that most of you favor pizza, salad, and home-baked cookies. The distant runner-up was the primary school "dream lunch" of grilled cheese sandwiches, tomato soup, and Hostess Twinkies. 
At least now no one will be tempted to employ the "Twinkie Defense" to justify poor performance on final exams...

Here's a little research problem for our legal department. Who can tell me exactly what the "Twinkie Defense" means and how did the term originate?

1 comment:

Mrs. Tweet said...

The Twinkie defense began in 1979 when murderer Dan White claimed that consumption of sugar overloaded his system. This apparently caused/resulted in diminished mental capacity ("insanity") which caused him to commit 2 murders. It didn't fly with the jury-he admitted his guilt and was convicted. The "twinkie defense" is a term coined by the media and is essentially a myth.